March 11, 2010

I mean, I knew it was only a matter of time...

I have resisted the tubes for a long time and refused to blog. Many have suggested I do, and in response to my response asked why I'm so pretentious. The simple answer is that I don't really like the format that is standard for blogs. It works for some, for sure, and it can work well. My objection is the inherent amateurism. I don't mean that as an insult. I simply mean that no reasonable person starts blogging thinking that it's great writing. I mean, let's be honest, blogging is kind of the fanfic version of memoir writing.

And, as a deluded wanna-be writer, I want to Be Taken Seriously whenever I give someone else anything better than a drunken gchat. So, I'll be up-front; I'm not disagreeing that my aversion to blogging is pretentious. Just wait until I'm dead to decide if that pretense was warranted or not.


I saw the Mary Poppins musical tonight. It changed how I think of blogging. The one thing that I was thinking through the entire experience was that I just wanted to mock it...immediately. I was channeling my inner Prototoast. It just made perfect sense.

I have no idea how frequently I'll post here, nor what my criteria will be. Just set your communo-box to tell you when I do and otherwise forget it.

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